
This module defines all the functions needed by the test cases

Public Instance Methods

requireFile(iRequiredFileName) click to toggle source

Require a file to be loaded.


  • iRequiredFileName (String): Name of the Required File being operated by further tests.

    # File test/RCodeLevelerTest.rb, line 57
57:   def requireFile(iRequiredFileName)
58:     requireLevel("RequiredFiles/#{iRequiredFileName}")
59:   end
setRootDir(iRootDir) click to toggle source

Change the root dir. This is used by each usecase to inform the directory where Required Files are. Clean files from RequiredFiles directories from Ruby’s files cache $”. Clean variables set by required files: $Var, $Var1..4. Add the root dir to $LOAD_PATH. Reset all previously set levels. Reset warning severity to 2.


  • iRootDir (String): The root dir (containing the FileSystems directory)

    # File test/RCodeLevelerTest.rb, line 26
26:   def setRootDir(iRootDir)
27:     @RootDir = iRootDir
28:     $".delete_if do |iFileName|
29:       iFileName[0..13] == 'RequiredFiles/'
30:     end
31:     $Var = nil
32:     $Var1 = nil
33:     $Var2 = nil
34:     $Var3 = nil
35:     $Var4 = nil
36:     if (!$LOAD_PATH.include?(iRootDir))
37:       $LOAD_PATH << iRootDir
38:     end
39:     RCodeLeveler.resetLevels
40:     RCodeLeveler.setWarningSeverity(2)
41:     RCodeLeveler.setOutputDirectory(nil)
42:   end
teardown() click to toggle source

Remove the directory that includes RequiredFiles for the next tests. Otherwise it is possible that files getting same names in different RequiredFiles directories are messed up in the requireFile method.

    # File test/RCodeLevelerTest.rb, line 47
47:   def teardown
48:     $LOAD_PATH.delete_if do |iDirName|
49:       iDirName == @RootDir
50:     end
51:   end

Disabled; run with --debug to generate this.


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