— This file is best viewed when processed by rdoc. ++
A Ruby file parser that enables/disables source code sections based on conditions. Very handy to implement debugging logs and code that has to be commented (and not just dynamically switched off) when not needed anymore.
./lib/: The RCodeLeveler library.
./examples/: A quick and easy to understand example showing basic functionality.
./test/: The complete tests that validate the library.
./AUTHORS: The list of authors that have contributed.
./Bugs: The list of known bugs up to date.
./Credits: The credits.
./LICENSE: The license.
./README: This file.
./Releases: The history of releases.
./TODO: The remaining TODO-list up to date.
First install RubyGems if it is not the case already (you can check by typing ‘gem’ in a terminal). You can download it from rubygems.rubyforge.org.
Type ‘gem install <TheFileYouDownloaded>.gem’ from a terminal. If you want to first run regression testing before installing it, use ’-t’ option:
gem install -t <TheFileYouDownloaded>.gem
Unzip/Untar the file in a directory (‘unzip <TheFileYouDownloaded>.zip’ or ‘tar xvzf <TheFileYouDownloaded>.tar.gz’ from the directory you want to install to).
Add the path to the ./lib directory to your $RUBYLIB environment variable:
export RUBYLIB=$RUBYLIB:<AbsolutePathWhereYouUnzippedTheFile>/lib
Next time you execute a ruby program from this terminal, you will be able to use “require ‘rcodeleveler’”. To make the setting permanent, you can put it in a login script (such as .bashrc).
Unzip/Untar the file in a directory.
Add the path to the ./lib directory to your $RUBYLIB environment variable (you can put it in a login script):
set RUBYLIB=%RUBYLIB%;<AbsolutePathWhereYouUnzippedTheFile>/lib
Next time you execute a ruby program from this terminal, you will be able to use “require ‘rcodeleveler’”. To make the setting permanent, you can modify your environment in ‘Control settings’=>’System’=>’Advanced’=>’Environment variables’.
Documentation is part of the first comments of the file lib/rcodeleveler.rb. It can be read as it is.
However all the source code is commented and formatted to be readable using rdoc.
It can also be viewed 2 ways:
You can use ‘ri rcodeleveler.rb’,
or read the generated rdoc (usually in <RubyInstallationDirectory>/gems/<RubyVersion>/doc/<NameOfInstalledGem>/rdoc/index.html).
It can also be viewed from the rdoc generated from the sources: type ’./generateRDoc.rb’ from the directory where you unzipped the files, and read ./doc/index.html with a web browser.
Go in the ./examples directory and run
ruby -w SimpleExample.rb
Reading the first comments of file lib/rcodeleveler.rb is very quick and useful to catch all the possibilities.
Go in the ./test directory and run
ruby -w run.rb
Check the AUTHORS file.
You can find out in the LICENSE file.
Generated with the Darkfish Rdoc Generator 1.1.6.