— This file is best viewed when processed by rdoc. ++


A Ruby file parser that enables/disables source code sections based on conditions. Very handy to implement debugging logs and code that has to be commented (and not just dynamically switched off) when not needed anymore.

What is inside this Gem/Zip/TarBall file ?

How to install it ?

From the Gem file

  1. First install RubyGems if it is not the case already (you can check by typing ‘gem’ in a terminal). You can download it from rubygems.rubyforge.org.

  2. Type ‘gem install <TheFileYouDownloaded>.gem’ from a terminal. If you want to first run regression testing before installing it, use ’-t’ option:

      gem install -t <TheFileYouDownloaded>.gem

From the Zip or TarBall file

Under Unix

  1. Unzip/Untar the file in a directory (‘unzip <TheFileYouDownloaded>.zip’ or ‘tar xvzf <TheFileYouDownloaded>.tar.gz’ from the directory you want to install to).

  2. Add the path to the ./lib directory to your $RUBYLIB environment variable:

      export RUBYLIB=$RUBYLIB:<AbsolutePathWhereYouUnzippedTheFile>/lib

    Next time you execute a ruby program from this terminal, you will be able to use “require ‘rcodeleveler’”. To make the setting permanent, you can put it in a login script (such as .bashrc).

Under Windows

  1. Unzip/Untar the file in a directory.

  2. Add the path to the ./lib directory to your $RUBYLIB environment variable (you can put it in a login script):

      set RUBYLIB=%RUBYLIB%;<AbsolutePathWhereYouUnzippedTheFile>/lib

    Next time you execute a ruby program from this terminal, you will be able to use “require ‘rcodeleveler’”. To make the setting permanent, you can modify your environment in ‘Control settings’=>’System’=>’Advanced’=>’Environment variables’.

Where is the documentation ?

Documentation is part of the first comments of the file lib/rcodeleveler.rb. It can be read as it is.

However all the source code is commented and formatted to be readable using rdoc.

From the Gem file

It can also be viewed 2 ways:

  1. You can use ‘ri rcodeleveler.rb’,

  2. or read the generated rdoc (usually in <RubyInstallationDirectory>/gems/<RubyVersion>/doc/<NameOfInstalledGem>/rdoc/index.html).

From the Zip or TarBall file

It can also be viewed from the rdoc generated from the sources: type ’./generateRDoc.rb’ from the directory where you unzipped the files, and read ./doc/index.html with a web browser.

How to see the basic functionality ?

Go in the ./examples directory and run

  ruby -w SimpleExample.rb


Reading the first comments of file lib/rcodeleveler.rb is very quick and useful to catch all the possibilities.

How to launch the regression testing ?

Go in the ./test directory and run

  ruby -w run.rb

Who wrote it ?

Check the AUTHORS file.

What is the license ?

You can find out in the LICENSE file.


Generated with the Darkfish Rdoc Generator 1.1.6.